All around the country healthcare organizations are facing declining reimbursements and receivables. In response, these organizations have been challenged with finding innovative ways to cut costs and streamline their processes – even in areas not directly related to patient care. For hospitals, saving on energy costs is an absolute necessity. As all hospitals are unique in design, size and the different specialized services they provide, their cost of energy is variable and subject to market forces such as supply and demand, variation in in prices and taxes, and the form of energy used.
A Close Eye on Key Metrics Helps TPC Member Hospitals Improve Their Revenue Cycle
While the process of managing a patient’s health can be complicated, so too is the process of managing that patient’s account. Healthcare revenue cycle management is a broad area that can be complex, especially for small and independent healthcare facilities with limited resources. However, by focusing on key metrics, TPC hospitals can compare themselves to other Members, identify areas for improvement, and measure progress objectively.
TPC Members Realize Huge Savings in Anatomic Pathology Lab Testing Services
To meet the challenges of today’s healthcare system, lab executives and administrators are rethinking their business strategies. As the era of fee-for-service from government and private payers is replaced by value-based reimbursement, how will clinical laboratories and pathology groups be paid? As integrated care organizations, such as ACOs and medical homes, enter the healthcare market, which lab testing services will deliver the most value to these new users? And will payers issue coverage guidelines and set adequate prices for the flood of new molecular assays and gene tests coming to market? These complexities have already driven a handful of medical laboratories and pathology practices to bankruptcy, sale, or closure. Innovative lab business and service models, such as those at TPC, are emerging to address these concerns.
TPC’S Zero Balance Reviews Help Member Hospitals Recover Lost Revenue
Billing and collection in the healthcare system is highly complex. Authorizations need to be received, benefits are often restricted, many services are subject to deductibles, and in-network versus out-of-network coverage must be monitored. Even after payment is received, there are new challenges. Employees must record these transactions within systems, tracking payments, denials, balance transfers, and adjustments.
Be Stronger Together and Get Superior Results with Clinical Reference Lab Services
Almost 60 percent of U.S. hospital executives said their institutions have had to change their business models if they’re going to survive financially. Conjointly, it is well established that both outsourcing lab services and creating partnerships help reduce costs. While most of TPC Members do outsource their clinical reference lab services, many have contended with how to secure true partnerships that assist them in further reducing spend in this area. By working together through TPC’s Clinical Reference Lab services, Members have realized an improved supplier relationship, and gained both financial success and improved efficiencies.
TPC Creates A New Gold Standard For PPI Spinal Implant Agreements
With the impact of Physician Preference Items (PPI) on total supply chain costs ranging anywhere from 40-60 percent, independent, community-based hospitals have begun working with physicians to dramatically change the way that these items are evaluated and purchased. Achieving system value without sacrificing quality of care requires a mixture of standardization and utilization with pricing strategies that optimize both financial and operational performance. One of the most exciting ways to achieve these goals is through standardization of medical device contracts.