TPC’s 2018 Value Analysis Team Summit – also known as the Fall Classic – by all standards was a huge success. At this annual event, TPC committee members have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with peers, discuss the TPC purpose and vision of working together as one, and collaborate on new initiatives and goals for the upcoming year.
Over ninety TPC Member representatives gathered to evaluate the opportunities to drive financial value back to their organizations and to network with their counterparts from other TPC Member facilities. Based on Member feedback that was collected, this year’s Fall Classic was a highly-rated event earning an average Member satisfaction rating of 4.6 (on a scale of 1-to-5).
Clinical breakout sessions included focus on Laboratory, Perioperative, Medical/Wound Care, Pharmacy, and Cardiology/Diagnostic Imaging. In addition, breakout sessions also encompassed Revenue Cycle, Support Services and Facilities.
When it was over, colleagues walked away with enthusiasm regarding the initiatives remaining in 2018 and those planned for 2019. In addition, newer VAT members gained a deeper appreciation of all that TPC offers, and the return on investment their participation provides back to their individual organizations.
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Click to view a video recap of the event!